Benefits of Martial Arts Training For Kids
By: Laura Saunders Admit it. When the going gets tough at home, we’ve all plopped the kids in front of the television and breathed a sigh of relief. Finally, we can get started on dinner, maybe check email or sort that massive pile of laundry. But when your five-year old yells at you “Mom, Kids Rule!” […]
The Benefits of the Cardio Kickboxing Workout
Combines an Aerobic Workout with a Resistance Training Workout Doing either an aerobics workout, i.e. running, stairmaster, stationary bike, etc. or an anaerobic workout such as lifting weights, Nautilus, calisthenics, etc. will not give you the best or quickest overall fitness results. You need to do both. If you are a runner, for example, you can […]