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Week 3

Week 3

"Conducting the Initial Coaching Session Early Coaching Elements* Crafting a Wellness Vision* Establishing SMART Goals* Action Steps Towards Goals Accountability Coaching Practice - Early Coaching* "

Shana Walsh, PhD, NBC-HWC, MCHES

Shana Walsh


"“I have been practicing as a health coach for nearly a decade now, and I’ve been saying for even longer that when you change your health, you change your life.  As a student of the Certified Master Health and Wellness Coach program, you will learn everything you need to know to become not just a health coach, but a great health coach.   With lots of one-on-one practice and the support of a small group setting, you'll finish this course fully confident and ready to coach on your own.”"

Stephanie Genco

Stephanie Genco

Certified Health and Wellness Coach

"Becoming certified with AFPA has given me the knowledge and confidence to take my life down a completely new path. It was the catalyst for starting my businesses and beginning a coaching journey. It still amazes me almost every day that my job is to literally help people live a healthier, happier life. In addition, the way my own habits have improved continues to impact my well-being. "

Emily Hudak Whole with Emily

Emily Hudak

AFPA Holistic Health Coach

"Becoming certified with AFPA has completely changed my life! I could never imagine that I would be where I am now when I completed my certification! I feel so lucky to wake up every day with the opportunity to impact others physically and mentally by sharing my passion with them. It truly is a dream come true."

Amilia Brady

AFPA Holistic Nutritionist

"I searched left and right for something that was accredited, affordable, and was really extensive. I found AFPA, which checked all those boxes and then some. I loved that they have been around for over 27 years. It was great that the certification was flexible and I could still homeschool my kids while studying."

Tyler Kalisiak

AFPA Sports Nutritionist, AFPA Strength and Conditioning Specialist

"What I loved most about getting certified with AFPA is that it really opened the opportunities for my long career, and it gave me direction."

Andrew Schuth

AFPA Personal Trainer

"I looked at a lot of certifications out there. You name it, I’ve looked at it, but AFPA stood out to me. They’re out-of-the-box thinkers and so am I. The certification process was fairly easy, it was very effective, and fun to learn."

Harvey Slater

AFPA Holistic Nutritionist, AFPA Weight Management Specialist

"The price of the certification and the length of time required is really achievable. It was very easy to digest and I like the way the certificatications are modular, so I was able to build on my first certification."

Raven Harrington

AFPA Holistic Nutritionist

"AFPA feels like more of a family. I can always email or reach out if I have any questions and I get a response immediately. It’s a very caring organization. I’ve been certified with other organizations and that’s not always the case."

Lauren Rasky

AFPA Holistic Health Coach

"The certification program changed everything in my overall life. It changed how I ate, my health, and how I help other people. It also changed my career in the health space. I liked that the information presented had studies and actually showed you the research as it was teaching you things."